- at your home with your computer
- homebanking or online-banking
- help for beginners and advanced users, any age
- introduction, working with the internet
- using operating system and software
- alternative operating systems, e.g.linux individually configured for your needs
- using free and open source software, e.g.:OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird
- help for problems with hard- and software
- email, scanner, fax or burning CD-Roms with your own computer
- viruses, dialer-programs, security, backup
- training, for your individual needs
- consulting for hard- and software
- homepage design
- graphic design (pictures, templates)
- e-mail (forms etc.)
- providers, domain registration, configuration
- search engines
- individual design and support for your web presence
- configuration and installation: DSL,UMTS,or Cable
© by Ralf Voegtle 2012
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